KOLLIB provides you with an online sales service that will allow you to buy from your computer or other digital devices the articles we offer.

In the following paragraphs, you can consult the general sales conditions governing the acquisition of the products marketed by KOLLIB through the website www.kollib.com. In this regard, please note that when using this website, the user is accepting these general conditions of sale. If you have any questions about them, you can contact us via e-mail at kollib@kollib.com. Note that we can change or update these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice.


We are the KOLLIB and manage the site www.KOLLIB. The site is the responsibility of the entrepreneur, Cristina Maria dos Santos Gonçalves Brandão, which operates in Portugal, with an address in Rua da Lapa, N. 421, 4480-757 Vila do Conde, Portugal and the tax identification number PT177748800.


3.1 These Conditions and General Sales Terms exclusively govern the purchase and sale made at the online store KOLLIB between the end consumer as Buyer and the seller KOLLIB, and apply to all site www.KOLLIB visitors, as well as any commercial transaction made through this online store.

3.2 The navigation on the site, as well as the purchase of any product at www.KOLLIB, implies acceptance of these general conditions of use and contracting, so that any user who does not agree or not to undertake to behave according to these may not purchase any good or service through the mentioned website.

3.3 The interpretation of these Terms and Conditions is unique to KOLLIB, which reserves the right to modify at any time.

3.4 The Service consists of the provision, through the www.KOLLIB address, access to the Online Shop that in addition to providing information relating to a set of products and/or services, allows the user, electronically, order products it disclosed under the terms and conditions described herein.

3.5 KOLLIB sells all products from the KOLLIB collection or products made available by other brands and will be the entity responsible for selling the articles on the website www.KOLLIB, and all e-commerce services are only available for final consumers.

3.6 It is considered the end consumer, user or buyer any person acting/buy with a purely personal view, outside of their business or profession, then, without any desire to resell the items that get in the online store KOLLIB.

3.7 The ordering of products must be made by users aged 18 or over (eighteen) years (individuals under the age of consent must be authorized by their representatives). The elements and information transmitted by the user will enjoy full legal effects, recognizing the user’s electronic purchases, and cannot claim the lack of signature for non-compliance with the obligations assumed.

3.8 KOLLIB reserves the right not to process any orders received from users other than Final Consumers or those that do not comply with the general conditions of sale of KOLLIB.

3.9 The final consumer must provide KOLLIB, as the vendor, with a correct or complete e-mail or postal address or other contact details and agrees that KOLLIB may using these data at appropriate times.


4.1 The articles available on this website are a selection of products that obey quality and guarantee requirements. Each product is described as follows:

Item name

Image(s) of the article

Price in Euros

Article description

Relevant measures

Sizes (where applicable)

Available colors (where applicable)


4.2 KOLLIB makes all necessary efforts so that the information contained on the website is complete and correct and will do everything possible so that the information presented does not contain typographical errors. If there is any error in the data presented, KOLLIB will accomplish their immediate correction and thank the user that in the case of detecting any irregularities, notify us via email at kollib@kollib.com.

4.3 The color of the items may vary depending on the quality of the monitor settings and lighting conditions, therefore, the colors of the articles are approximate and there may be slight differences. Consequently, KOLLIB cannot guarantee that the colors that appear on your monitor are identical to the real.

4.4 The website www.KOLLIB is intended for private use only, so the reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of the contents of the KOLLIB online store without prior written permission is prohibited for any purpose other than strictly using it folks.

4.5 It is expressly forbidden to introduce links in our site for commercial purposes or without prior authorization from KOLLIB, as well as, the use of the domain www.KOLLIB for abusive purposes will be susceptible of recourse to the competent legal means by KOLLIB.

4.6 In the event of finding links that allow you access to www.KOLLIB on other sites or references to the online store KOLLIB, please note that we do not have any responsibility for the links or pages, or on the contents inscribed in them.

4.7 All contractual information is written in Portuguese or English, as well as the information of the articles, communications by e-mail and formalization of the sale.

4.8 KOLLIB reserves the right to change these terms of use and contracting without notice, as well as to modify at any time, all the information and commercial offer presented on products, prices, specifications, promotions and services, and any changes will always be published in www.KOLLIB site.


5.1 In the event that the information presented does not correspond to the characteristics of the product or if you purchase a product that has different characteristics to those presented online, you have the right to proceed with the settlement of the purchase agreement in accordance with applicable legal terms.

5.2 As stated above, the photographs presented on the website are merely illustrative, as previously mentioned. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically consult the product detail for better information about the respective features of the articles you are purchasing.

5.3 The prices and product specifications are subject to change without notice. Despite the KOLLIB extreme attention to keep all updated information, some products may contain an incorrect price, so we will check the prices whenever we process the orders. If the product price is less than the advertised price, we will refund the difference. If the price is higher, we will inform the consumer by email and await his or her decision to accept the new proposal or cancel the order.

5.4 The online store KOLLIB product catalog is independent of the physical stores, or the price level and at the level of the presented products and quantities in stock. All promotional campaigns have limited stock and are exclusive to the online store KOLLIB.

5.5 The validation of the purchase or order implies that the shopper is aware of and accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of the site www.KOLLIB.

5.6 All data registered by KOLLIB constitute proof of the set of transactions carried out between the Seller and the Final Customer, and it is KOLLIB’s responsibility to file the electronic document that formalizes the contract and is obliged to keep it accessible.


6.1 Any visitor to www.KOLLIB undertakes to comply with and fulfill with these general conditions, namely observing the following obligations:

It is forbidden to enter, store or distribute via the site KOLLIB defamatory, obscene, libelous, xenophobic and/or any other measures that violate the general principles of law and public order;

Save, and not to disclose your input keyword on the site to prevent others from accessing your account and personal data;

Do not use false identities;

Granting your personal data and correct addresses that KOLLIB can properly process orders;

Respect the limits-imposed orders, where applicable.

6.2 The final consumer is solely responsible for the accuracy of personal data communicated to KOLLIB and undertakes to enter and report immediately any change through their securities account in www.KOLLIB.

6.3 KOLLIB disclaims any liability for possible delay or impossibility of processing the order resulting from error or insufficiency of the data reported by the final customer, namely at the time of delivery. If any of the data is incorrect or insufficient, and therefore there is a delay or impossibility in the processing of the order, or non-delivery, the responsibility is the Consumer, and KOLLIB declines any responsibility. If the Consumer violates any of these obligations, KOLLIB reserves the right to cancel future purchases, block access to the store, cancel the provision of any other services offered simultaneously by KOLLIB to the same user; and also, do not allow the future access of the user to any services made available by KOLLIB.

6.4 It is expressly forbidden to use the products and services purchased through the KOLLIB website for commercial purposes, including for resale of goods.


7.1 To place an order on www.KOLLIB the user must have a valid e-mail account and register as a customer by creating a User Account at KOLLIB by filling in the form available online.

7.2 Once registered, the user must simply enter in the shopping basket all the chosen products, following all the steps of the purchase so that it is completed successfully.

7.3 Placing an order at www.KOLLIB is very easy:

Browse the pages of the online store and find the product(s) you wish to purchase.

Add the chosen products to the purchase basket by clicking the Add to Basket button.

When you have chosen all the parts you want to purchase, complete the purchase by clicking Finish.

Then fill in your personal information in a very simple form (very careful when filling in the address field).

Review your order.

Confirm your order.

Select the mode of payment.

Proceed with payment.

Accept the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, if you have not already done so.

When you select the Exit button, at the end of the purchase process, your order will be confirmed.

Finally, you will receive an order confirmation via e-mail.

7.4 Once you finish your purchase, you will receive an automatic e-mail confirming the transaction. We suggest you print or make download this copy for future reference. If the data is not correct, you can order immediately to amend or to annul the purchase.

7.5 In case of no receipt of payment or breach of conditions and General Sales Terms, the KOLLIB reserves the right to not accept your order or cancel the whole or in part, even after the automatic confirmation of the same.

7.5 In case of non-confirmation of payment or non-compliance with these General Terms of Sale, KOLLIB reserves the right not to accept your order or to cancel it in whole or in part, even after automatic confirmation.


8.1 KOLLIB only processes an order made by a consumer after confirmation of the respective payment and therefore cannot guarantee the availability of the articles to the start of that process.

8.2 In order confirmation, find the estimated date for shipment of the products, after confirmation of payment. Of course, the estimated time for shipment may vary depending on the carrier and the country delivery.

8.3 KOLLIB only dispatches packages on weekdays. Thus, to estimate the time of delivery of orders, weekends and holidays are not counted. Any delay in the dispatch of articles, in view of the estimated dates presented, does not confer the right to compensation.

8.4 The fulfillment of all orders placed on the site is subject to availability of products. KOLLIB tries to ensure that all items offered for sale on the site are in stock. However, KOLLIB reserves the right not to accept any orders or cancel orders already confirmed for products that have not already stock. In case of unavailability of the product and/or lack of stock, KOLLIB immediately inform the consumer of the partial or total annulment of your order, and the buyer is entitled to reimbursement of the respective paid amount.

8.5 KOLLIB will do everything possible to send all the products ordered, but it is possible that in certain cases due to causes hardly controllable by KOLLIB as errors in computer systems, it is not possible to provide any of the products ordered by the user. If any product is not available after making the order, the user will be notified via e-mail or by phone. If that happens, the buyer will have the possibility to cancel the order with the respective refund if he or her has already made the respective payment.


9.1 KOLLIB reserves the right not to process orders when you notice any inconsistencies in personal details to or observe misconduct by the Buyer.

9.2 KOLLIB reserves the right not to process of any order or refund, in case there are errors in the amounts and/or characteristics of the products when they result from technical problems or errors unrelated to KOLLIB.

9.3 KOLLIB may not validate an order that does not have enough guarantee of payment, when the order is incomplete or incorrect, or when the ordered products are no longer available. In any of these cases mentioned, KOLLIB will inform via e-mail the consumer that the contract of sale was not continued and that KOLLIB canceled the sale, specifying the reasons for such.

9.4 If the products ordered www.KOLLIB already not available at the time of last access to the site, despite having obtained confirmation of the order, or when KOLLIB receive the request to immediately inform the user about the unavailability of the same, never exceeding a period of 30 days after receipt of the request.

9.4 If the products ordered at www.KOLLIB are no longer available at the time of the user last access to the website, even if his or her have received an order confirmation, or when KOLLIB orders his or her request, we will inform the User immediately about the unavailability, never exceeding the deadline of 30 days after receipt of the request.

9.5 If the purchaser has already ordered and paid, for products that have become unavailable, KOLLIB will refund the amount due for the unavailable items.

9.6 KOLLIB reserves the right to refuse any order for any reason and exempted from liability for any damages or costs, and reserves the right to cancel any purchase even if it has already been accepted or confirmed by KOLLIB in the following situations:

The information in the invoice is not correct or verifiable;

The order is signed by the Site Security Systems as an incorrect order, irregular, or order susceptible to fraud;

When ordering the payment of the transfer was not receives in period of 2 (two) business days following acceptance of your order;

When we cannot deliver the order at the address provided by the User;

If we consider that the purchaser held no ability to perform that act;

If it appears that there was an error in reporting the price(s) of the product(s);

If it appears that the order comes from a reseller.



10.1 The payment methods available will be presented in www.KOLLIB. We do not accept any other payment method than those mentioned on your website.

10.2 You can pay for your products using their usual credit and debit cards through the payment system using your personal account Paypal.

10.3 For payments using credit or debit card, all details (such as card number, expiration date, or security code) will be sent by the Encrypted Protocol to the company providing the remote electronic payment services, without any third-party access to the information transmitted. This information will not be used by KOLLIB, except to carry out the necessary purchase or reimbursement operations, in case of return in accordance with the exercise of the right of return, or for communication to the police of cases of fraud.

10.4 We advise the user not to attempt to make payment by any means other than those specified on www.KOLLIB. If so, KOLLIB cannot be held responsible for the loss of payment or any other damages that may arise.


11.1 The online store KOLLIB uses the latest and robust security technologies available for encryption platforms. All payment information you provide will be encrypted from the start of your transaction until the order is processed and will not be saved in any public server.

11.2 Even though we use a very evolved encryption software, any payment transmitted over the Internet, or through e-mail, has some risks when the user does not take the proper precautions and does not assume the necessary responsibility procedures.

11.3 KOLLIB shall not be liable for any damage suffered resulting from the use of electronic means of communication, including damage resulting from failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, wrong views or manipulations of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for communications or virus transmissions.

11.4 The user agree to comply with all applicable legal provisions, including not practicing or promoting the practice of illegal or offensive acts of morals, such as the indiscriminate sending of unsolicited communication (spamming) contrary to the applicable legislation the processing of personal data and marketing communications by automatic calling machines and shall observe the rules of use of the Service, otherwise KOLLIB suspend or terminate the service in accordance with Section 9.6 of this document.

11.5 KOLLIB does not also ensure the provision of the service in unpredictable overload situations of the systems on which it is supported or force majeure (extraordinary situations or unpredictable nature, outside KOLLIB and that the same cannot be controlled).

11.6 In the event of interruption of the provision of the service for reasons unpredictable overload of the systems on which it is supported, KOLLIB undertakes to regularize their operation with as soon as possible.

11.7 The user expressly acknowledges and agrees that the IP network is a public network capable electronic communications use by multiple users, and as such, subject to computer overloads, so KOLLIB does not guarantee the provision of the service without interruption, loss information or delays.


KOLLIB retains ownership of enterprise until it has received full payment of all these products.


13.1 The price of the products displayed in www.KOLLIB site is shown in Euros.

13.2 In accordance with current legislation, sales will be subject to VAT by applying the VAT in force in each Member State of the European Union.

13.3 Prices are fixed at the time of order confirmation and then the user can print or download the package for future use. KOLLIB advises the user to transfer only the exact amount specified in the order confirmation and to transfer the amounts individually corresponding to each order.

13.4 Shipping rates are calculated per order, and the exact price of shipping fee depends on the country in which your order will be delivered.

13.5 Prices are all quoted in Euros and any change in the country of delivery of the order may have an influence on the prices, these being subject to the fluctuation of the quotation indices of each currency in relation to the Euro at the time the order is placed.


14.1 KOLLIB only commercialize quality articles, not defective or of lower quality than existing standards in the market.

14.2 The products offered for sale in www.KOLLIB may not exactly match the actual product about the displayed image and colors, especially due to the Internet browser and monitor used.


15.1 The products ordered from the online store KOLLIB will be shipped and delivered on weekdays, Monday through Friday.

15.2 We can only ensure proper delivery of an order if the product shipping address is well indicated by the user, is located this address in a home or office located in one of the countries mentioned in the list of available countries in section 15.4 of this chapter.

15.3 A delivery is considered made or a product is considered delivered with signing the delivery receipt at the agreed address.

15.4 KOLLIB delivers in all Member State of the European Union.

15.5 KOLLIB reserves the right not to accept and not to make deliveries outside the European Union, this decision being related to the difficulty of delivery in certain geographical areas.


16.1 Shipping costs associated with your order will be billed to order, that is, if you order more than one item, you only pay once the shipping costs. However, KOLLIB reserves the right to split the delivery of the order, for example, if a part of the order is delayed or unavailable. If we proceed to the order of the division, the customer will be notified by e-mail, of our intention. For this purpose, it will use the e-mail address provided by the customer at the time of purchase.


16.2 In mainland Portugal and Madeira and the Azores deliveries will be free for greater than or equal to € 50 purchases. For purchases lower than this value, the shipping costs will be charged according to the following order weight classes:

€ 4   for orders with 0 – 0.1kg

€ 5   for orders with 0.1 – 0.5kg

€ 10 for orders with 0.5 – 2kg

€ 20 for orders with 2 – 20kg

16.3 In all countries of the European Union (except Portugal and Spain), deliveries will be free on purchases equal or higher than € 80, except for countries with different customs and fiscal policies of most European Union countries. For purchases lower than this value, the shipping costs will be charged according to the following order weight classes:

€ 8   for orders with 0 – 0.1kg

€ 10 for orders with 0.1 – 0.5kg

€ 20 for orders with 0.5 – 2kg

€ 30 for orders with 2 – 20kg

16.4 At the time of delivery, the purchaser shall inspect the packaging and products shipped for any damage. If the customer finds that the products are damaged, he or she should not accept the delivery, which must be returned. KOLLIB will reimburse the amounts paid for the order and transportation as soon as, at its head office, complete the return process.

16.5 Upon receipt, the order will be deemed accepted if the buyer does not return it within 14 days thereafter.


17.1 After registered your order, and confirmed the respective payment and being available all the parts of your order, the KOLLIB undertakes to proceed to issue observing the following deadlines:

In Portugal, the indicative within 3 working days.

In Madeira and the Azores and Spain, the indicative period of 3 to 5 business days.

In the European Union (except Portugal), the indicative period of 3 to 5 business days.

17.2 KOLLIB will not be liable for any breach or delay in the performance of any obligation to send due to an event of force majeure, that is, an event, act or omission, beyond its reasonable control.


18.1 Upon receipt of the order, the consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal without any compensation being required, thus having a period of 14 days to return or exchange his article(s) – with the exception of earrings, underwear, bikinis and other articles of intimate use; period from the day on which the consumer acquires the physical possession of the article(s), if he finds that they have defects or other nonconformities with regard to the ordered products, or by simple withdrawal, without expressly stating the reason.

18.2 The consumer must in within 14 days from the resolution of the communication date return the article(s) to KOLLIB under appropriate conditions of use.

To exercise this right, the user can use the template shown below and enter all your identifying information, service or product you subscribed address and subscription date. The communication must be made by letter or via email (kollib@kollib.com), by returning the acquired right, or other suitable and susceptible evidence within the above-defined term.

Draft form for free resolution (just fill out and return this form if you want to terminate the contract)

– To [here the trader’s name, geographical address and, where applicable, the fax number and the email address of the trader]: – I hereby communicate/communicate (*) that I / We (*) of my / our ( *) purchase and sale agreement for the following well / for the provision of the following service (*)

– Requested by (*) / received on (*)

– Name (s) of the consumer (s)

– Address (s) of the consumer (s)

– Signature (s) of the consumer (s) (only if this form is notified on paper)

(*) Delete as appropriate.

18.3 The package must be returned complete, as delivered and accompanied by all the documentation received, namely, the following documents: sales invoice and document proving the receipt of the product. The packaging and the indicated documents must be sent to the following address:


Rua da Lapa, 421

4480-757 Vila do Conde


18.4 Return costs will be consumer responsibility (except for reasons of lack of quality or damage to the product).

18.5 The exchange or return of orders should be carried out as follows:

Place the item or items in a box. You can use the original packaging which received the order or another cardboard box, since it is not damaged. If you use the original packaging, empty it and just put the item or items you want to return. Close and seal the box with adhesive tape. If the box has a label, stickers, or other materials from previous expeditions, remove them.

After we received the product(s) in our warehouse, we will check if the object follows our requirements for Exchange or Refund. If so, the exchange will be confirmed, and the return effected.

18.6 After receiving the return object on KOLLIB will be refunded to the User the corresponding amount paid for the order (sales invoice value). If you used a promotional discount code, that amount will not be refunded, this is, the refund will be only at the amount paid.

18.7 For refund of the paid amount, KOLLIB places available to the user two options: the issue a of a return coupon, which can be deducted only from the online store KOLLIB in a maximum period of 6 months from its issuance date; or the amount reversal itself, through the same form of payment used in the purchase.

18.8 In the absence of any article components sold or if any of them is not in excellent condition, there will not be any refund of the price or the delivery, and the product will be returned to the initial shipping address.

18.9 Returns of value are only made for the account/card that gave rise to the purchase, if they are identifiable. The refund method for the returned amount depends on the payment method used in your order. In the case of payments with credit card and PayPal, these are credited to your accounts. In other cases, when NIB or IBAN information is provided, the refund is made to the indicated bank account. Reimbursement is made up to 14 days after receipt of the wish for free resolution and receipt of return of the property.